Our love is one based on genuine and intentional friendship, like-minded values and our joint belief in God, the creator of all things and the one who orchestrated this beautiful union.

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The Groom's Story

In April 2018, my aunt informed me about a fine babe she had recently met. She said, "Dare, you know I know your spec" she then proceeded to show me a WhatsApp picture of Pelumi. I was a bit skeptical at first, so I told her I wasn’t interested. In hindsight, I blame her Android camera quality. It dulled down her beauty.

Fast forward to August 2018, I was in town for our church’s annual convention. During the program, my beautiful aunt shot me a text saying, "Pelumi is the young lady sitting right next to sister X". I took a glance at her and her beauty captivated me. I decided to approach her after church, but she left before I could make it to her.

In October 2018, I returned to town for a few days. One fine Sunday, I waited patiently for service to be over and literally ran up to her to introduce myself, before she disappeared again. At this point, she didn't know that I knew of her. We had a brief conversation, she gave me her number and that was the genesis of our friendship. I thought it was going to be a smooth ride, but I was in for a surprise.

We set our first date for November, I was looking forward to it, and she stood me up. It broke my heart because I thought we were both willing to try. After a while of going back and forth, I decided to halt the friendship in February. We casually met again in July, and just being in her presence, I couldn't deny the chemistry we had. I was willing to try again, so we resumed our friendship. I’m elated we did because it has led to something so beautiful that I can barely find the right words to explain.  She gained pieces of my heart and eventually won it over. On August 15th, 2020, I asked her to be mine forever. And she said YES!

The Bride's Story

Hello there, my name is Pelumi and this is my love story. During a Sunday service, I noticed an unfamiliar face in church. My immediate thought was "who is this fine dark skin jawn?" Shortly after, it was time for prayers, and I saw my eye candy approaching the altar. That caught me off guard. I thought to myself "Church boy, seen" but I couldn't stop staring at him while he led the prayers (I prayed a little too, haha). In fact, I was multitasking at its 'finest' (Pun intended). After the prayers, my eye candy took his seat. A young lady approached him, hugged him, and sat next to him. I thought to myself, "oh well, there goes his babe" but little did I know that was his older sister. When church was over, I walked in front of the altar when I was stopped by someone. I looked behind and saw my eye candy gazing at me. "Hi, my name is Dare and I've not seen you around. Are you new? Do you like the church? How long have you been going here". In my head, I'm like "who are you, and why are you asking all these questions". I smiled and answered politely. There was something about his aura that made me give him my number when he requested for it. 

We texted for a few weeks after that. He eventually told me he would be back in town for thanksgiving and would like to take me out on a date. I had planned a girls’ trip to Morocco and wasn't going to be back until Sunday morning. He was leaving on Monday but we really wanted to make it work so I agreed to meet him on Sunday night. Let’s just say, come Sunday, things happened and I couldn't make it. That was the beginning of our first hiatus. 

2019; New year, new me right? All had been forgiven and thanks to the show "Skinny Girl in transit", we were back on talking terms. Things were going well but not as well as Dare wanted it to be. He decided to friend-zone me. Unknown to him, I already had a dream about him and knew that our lives were going to be intertwined one way or another. I decided not to push and let fate have its way. During this second hiatus, we would check up on each other occasionally, but nothing concrete came out of it. I remember seeing a text from him in our youth group chat saying he will be around for July 4th and would love to hang out. Immediately I thought, 'this is my opportunity to reach out to him for a coffee date or something' but I talked myself out of it. I saw him briefly in church that Sunday and I remember having butterflies in my stomach.

He was around again in August 2019 for our Pastor's wedding renewal and I remember him texting me throughout the day. During one of my runarounds, I saw him and we exchanged the friendliest hug. He grinned and said, "I want to introduce you to my friends from Indiana". I smiled and agreed. But in my mind, I thought, “Isn't this too forward?" 

Since then, we have spoken every day. Not a day goes by without me falling deeper in love with him. On August 15th, 2020, I said Yes to forever with him.

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Made with love. ❤️